Is coffee always a good idea or not?
There are many arguments around coffee, so sometimes, it is difficult to figure out whether this drink is beneficial or harmful. And how much coffee a day can be considered safe for your health? Let’s see what you know about this…
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Beck’s Anxiety Inventory
This self-report inventory is correlated to a well-known and widely used Depression Inventory that has been created by American psychiatrist Aaron Beck. This method helps you assess feelings and physical state to understand if you have worrying symptoms of anxiety. And in case you do, do not hesitate to visit a psychotherapist. Here is a…
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Beck’s Depression Inventory
This self-report inventory is a well-known and widely used method of assessing feelings and physical state to understand if you have symptoms of depression. Just remember that depression is an illness that can be cured, so do not hesitate to visit a psychotherapist if you are worried about the…
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