Why We Can’t Sleep Well and How to Change That
You count sheep in bed, wake up in the middle of the night, and can’t fall asleep again. In the morning, you wake up too early and feel yourself tired and exhausted. All of these are symptoms of insomnia. According to data of the research, “Prevalence of chronic insomnia in adult patients and its correlation…
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The Science of Sleep: How to Sleep Well
The argument about the quantity and quality of sleep for adults is never-ending. Should you go to bed before dark? Does a mid-day nap has a positive or negative effect on your personal effectiveness? Why you can feel tired even after eight-hour sleep? Let’s dig into the question of what is quality sleep and how…
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10 Facts About The Importance Of Sleep
Many believe that sleep is just an opportunity for our body to rest and recover its strength. But while accepting the undeniable fact that sleep is necessary many still continue to take it lightly, considering sleep to be a waste of time, especially with all the things that need doing! However, there are many good…
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