Weight loss myths: can you debunk them?
Capsaicin boosts metabolism, intermittent fasting is said to be the best diet, but sometimes you can afford a “carb bomb” like a slice of pie? Some of these are true, some are myths. How about checking yourself?
What to learn more? Read here:
Vitamins & supplements: why they don’t work
In The United States alone, consumers spend about $7,5 billion a year for vitamins and dietary supplements, driven by the hope that these bright pills and powders will help to…
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Nutraceutical trends: what’s new in the dietary supplements market
Nutraceuticals are constantly evolving while scientists are creating new functional supplements and vitamin complexes. And, like any other progressive industry, it has its trends and novelties. Let’s take a closer…
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Why B, A, A became the new A,B,C
What kind of eater are you today? A meat-lover or hater? A conscious veggie, a junk foodie, a raw dieter, a 'whatever'? We may believe in food restrictions or just…
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