Happy Old Age for Long-Lived Animals
In the year 2019, the average life expectancy of humans worldwide was 72.6 years. According to the data of UNO, in Scandinavia, people have lived as long as 70 years as early as in the year 1950 and now live up to 82 years thanks to the great state of health. However, in the wild…
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Chronobiology: Who Winds Up Your Body’s Clock?
In the year 2017, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was granted to researchers Michael W. Young, Jeffrey C. Hall, and Michael Rosbash for the discovery of mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythms, i.e., our circadian clock. Circadian rhythms affect most of the processes in our body. The circadian rhythms determine many things, including the…
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Mole-rates: Animals Which Do Not Die From Aging
The savannas and semi-deserts of Eastern Africa are inhabited but a funny-looking animal — a naked mole-rat.  It mostly resembles a stale chicken breast, added by beaver’s teeth, tail and four legs, as though added by some creator just for fun. Some may view mole-rats as frightening, while others consider them charming. Meanwhile, scientists have…
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Probiotics: 10 000 years on Earth, their full potential is yet to discover
Translated from Latin “probiotic” (probios) means “for life”. It is true: probiotics, introduced into the human body in adequate quantities, have a positive effect on it. Let’s talk about how the story of our exploration into the world of these little bacteria started, and how people discovered their unique properties and turned them to their…
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Antioxidants and free radicals: How Enemies Have Become Friends
Antioxidant means antioxygen. Our life is full of paradoxes: we cannot live without oxygen. But it is the oxygen that launches the oxidation processes, which leads to destroying cells and finally to aging and death. How Did the Standoff Begin? People have early detected that air has a destructive effect. At first, no one has…
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Scientists say, happier life means longer life
Based on data by WHO, the average life expectancy in the world accounts for 71 years. This indicator varies depending on gender (the average length of a woman's life in the world is 73.5 years, and a man's - 68.5), country of residence (first place is Hong Kong, where women live on average 87.3 years,…
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