7 Tips for Walking: Keep Your Back Healthy
Are you trying to walk 10 thousand steps every day or skip your daily walks? Whatever the case, both the length of your walk and your gait while walking are important. Do you know that your walk is as unique as your fingerprints or retina pattern? When the international team of bioengineers have analyzed foot…
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Joint health short test
According to the most recent data from 22 to 30% of all inhabitants of the Earth suffer from different sorts of problems with joints (link). But here is some good news: even if you have a genetic predisposition to this kind of ailment - healthy nutrition, moderate and mindful physical activity, and most importantly -…
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Toned neck and flexible back: ultimate exercises to improve posture
"Stand straight and don’t slouch!" Yeah, your mother probably told you this. And she was right: good posture is not all about beauty. According to a research “Body Posture Affects Confidence In Your Own Thoughts”, we look and feel more confident and less anxious when we keep our back straight. We can even get our…
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Let’s just talk about it: how to help depressed people
On September 16, 2017, Talinda Bennington, Linkin Park singer’s widow, uploaded a video. In this video, her husband Chester Bennington is having a great time laughing with his son and friends, tasting gummy candies and behaving as usual. 36 hours later, Chester committed suicide and Talinda wrote that she “shows it so you know that…
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Nearsightedness and hyperopia: causes and possible solutions
According to WHO, more than 2,000,000,000 people on Earth do not see the world as clearly as they actually should. It means that about a quarter of all people in the world need vision correction. Myopia and hyperopia are the most common conditions. Nearsightedness (myopia) is a visual impairment in which a person can see…
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