Scientists say, happier life means longer life


Based on data by WHO, the average life expectancy in the world accounts for 71 years. This indicator varies depending on gender (the average length of a woman’s life in the world is 73.5 years, and a man’s – 68.5), country of residence (first place is Hong Kong, where women live on average 87.3 years, and men – 81 years), as well as many other factors. Heredity plays a certain role as well; on average, doctors and scientists estimate the degree of influence of heredity on life expectancy at 25-30%. Yet, still, our longevity is predominantly determined by how we take care of our health, what we eat and drink, how often we go in for sports and even on how happy we are.

Does happiness help living longer?

In 2016, a team of researchers from University College London published the results of a study which confirmed that the more we are content with our life, the longer we want to stick with it. And the amazing thing is, we tend to cope better with this mission.

A study called “Sustained enjoyment of life and mortality at older ages: analysis of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing”, with results published in BMJ, has lasted for 14 years. During this time, scientists monitored the health status of almost 10 thousand volunteers. By the time the study began, most of them were 50 years old or more. From 2002 to 2016, the authors of the experiment monitored not only how good or bad the volunteers felt, but also how satisfied they were with their lives and how happy they considered themselves.

They came up with astounding results: the healthier and happier the subjects felt the bigger their chances were to live a long life. During the experiment, 1,300 volunteers died — about every tenth. In all three surveys that were filled in by the participants, most of these subjects noted their dissatisfaction with life.

Among those who complained about life in one survey out of three, the chances of a long life increased by 17%. On the other hand, those who were completely satisfied with their life and who they are were likely to continue to enjoy it for as long as possible increased by 24%.

Of course, authors of the study do not try to convince us that the ability to enjoy life is the key to longevity, yet it is counterintuitive to dismiss the correlation as well. It is logical to assume that not suffering from chronic diseases in the elder age enables people to lead a more active lifestyle, maybe continue working and feeling needed, and of course not having serious diseases purely technically is the fundamental condition for a longer life. But in any case, the results of this study are a sufficient reason to test the hypothesis.  And who knows, maybe after a while, in all medical recommendations, along with the wishes of a healthier diet and an active lifestyle, doctors will note: “We advise you to try to enjoy life more often and try to become a little bit happier.”

What is the secret to happiness?

Everyone of us has their unique, individually predetermined concept of happiness. Nevertheless, there are common habits and activities that are found to be effective in helping us feel happier, more content, and even increase our level of happiness. Here are seven simple things to get a little happier 🙂

Have meals in thе open air

Sometimes, an ordinary boring sandwich you chew on the bench in the park or at the river contributes to the feeling of happiness way more effectively than the most sophisticated dinner in a restaurant. According to a small study carried out by scientists at the University of Sussex, those people who spent their lunchtime outside their office, in the fresh air, showed a happiness score of 17, while those who were used to having lunch at their desk the score was only 1,5. (Workers more positive if they eat outside the office, study finds)

More sex

The scientists from the University of Colorado have made another surprising finding on happiness: the analysis of the data collected in the survey has shown that respondents who had sex at least two to three times a month were 33% more likely to report a higher level of happiness than those who had no sex during the previous 12 months. You can find the study “The secret to happiness? Believing you have more SEX than your neighbours” here.

By the way, an important addition: the level of happiness rises by the same 33% if you just believe that you have sex more often than your friends and acquaintances.

Eat meat

The Australian researchers have conducted an experiment “Red meat halves risk of depression”, where more than 1000 women took part. The findings were surprising: Three to four servings of beef or lamb per week cut the risk of depression and anxiety in women by half. The scientists believe it can be attributed to the fact that the meat of animals who feed on grass is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Play video games

Video games turned out to have a capacity for not only decreasing but also eliminating the symptoms of depression. Such was the conclusion drawn by the authors of a survey among adult and elderly gamers “Successful aging through digital games: Socioemotional differences between older adult gamers and Non-gamers”. 67% of those surveyed, whose average age was 77 years old, answered that playing computer and video games makes them feel happier and their life is filled with meaning and new emotions.

Walk in the forest

Exactly! Evergreens will suit best of all. Besides the fact that walking in the fresh air and interacting with nature helps us to get rid of stress and chillax, the scent of pine needles itself makes us a little happier. According to the results of a study conducted by specialists from Kyoto, University “Psychological effects of forest environments on healthy adults: Shinrin-yoku (forest-air bathing, walking) as a possible method of stress reduction”, the smell of conifers reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety and increases feelings of life satisfaction.

What else can we do?

Apart from classical recommendations such as moving more during the day, pay attention to what and how much you eat, eat clean, do not neglect regular medical checkups, science can suggest a few more ideas for longer life. They are simple recommendations but when developed into habits they can bring about a considerable result.

Learn new stuff

The more new information we come across and process the more practice we provide for our cognitive powers. The more skills we acquire and the more willingly we share the knowledge with others the more energized, fulfilled and rewarded we feel, and the healthier and more agile our brain becomes. And even if it does not increase the number of years lived, it definitely prolongs the period of active life, which is no less fantastic. The research from 2013, “The Impact of Sustained Engagement on Cognitive Function in Older Adults: The Synapse Project“ has proved that people who all the time tried to learn something new, as a result, significantly improved their memory, were more active and lived longer.

Eat berries

Try to eat at least one serving of berries a day — fresh, frozen, dried, or as a jam. Moreover, the most beneficial effect is to be expected exactly from the black berries — their skins and juice contain more unique antioxidants that help us maintain the neutron connections necessary to preserve brain cognitive functions. On top of that, the antioxidants contribute to the effective resistance to inflammatory processes within the body and prevent the development of diseases that affect life expectancy.

Laugh more

Do you remember that quote by Lord Byron — ‘Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine’? It is irony, of course, yet its key message is not far from the truth: laughter can help lower blood pressure, relieve stress, support your immune system in crunch times, and ultimately help live longer. So do not miss the opportunity to have a good laugh — it is not only a pleasure that unites us all and helps break the ice, but it is also healthy.

Sun is not always an enemy

Of course, everything that concerns our health and wellbeing has to be taken with a pinch of salt and be built within the bounds of reason. Ultraviolet is dangerous because it can trigger skin cancer. Yet to cancel the sun out of your life would not be smart. Research on the effect of the sun on life expectancy “Avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for major causes of death: a competing risk analysis of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort” has proved that those women who regularly spent time and played sports outdoors ended up at a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those participants who played sports indoors.

Drink coffee

Caffeine helps reduce the risk of dangerous diseases that affect life expectancy, such as type 2 diabetes. Specialists in 10 countries have conducted a study “Coffee Drinking and Mortality in 10 European Countries”, where they came to the conclusion that two or three cups of coffee a day indeed can help us live longer. Of course, everything is not that simple: your coffee must go black, no sugar, no cream and, of course, no dessert! This sounds sad.


Firstly, dancing is an excellent physical activity, and we should never forget that movement and moving naturally becomes more important for our health as we grow older. Secondly, dancing helps us maintain a good mood and even strengthens social bonds, again, which is especially important at an older age. Finally, we can refer to a study from 2017 known as “Dancing or Fitness Sport? The Effects of Two Training Programs on Hippocampal Plasticity and Balance Abilities in Healthy Seniors”, which proved that dancing helps to increase the volume of the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for our cognitive abilities. So even if dancing does not prolong life, it helps us maintain a sharp mind and a solid memory until the very old age.

And they lived happily ever after

And why not? Unfortunately, despite all the scientific advances and discoveries in extending the lifetime and fighting aging, we are unlikely to live to see the invention of the magic anti-aging pill, but we can do something right now. Active lifestyle, optimism, communication, neverending learning, making plans for future, dreaming and believing in the better, regardless of how old we are — it is all it takes. A fulfilling life is what makes it all worthwhile because whatever long it is, happy life is beautiful!

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