What can you do to prevent joints disorders?


According to the data of the WHO, 22-30% of people around the world live with some kind of joint disorders. It means that one out of three persons will possibly face inflammations of the joints, reduced joint mobility, pain, and other symptoms of the disorders, which negatively affect the quality of life and can even lead to disability. Diseases that affect the joints depend on many causes, including hereditary factors, metabolism, extra body weight, way of life, and many other aspects. Meanwhile, keeping joints flexible helps to defer the time when they would need medical attention and intake of medicines.

 What Your Joints Will Love?

Similarly to the situation with many other disorders, a lifestyle remains a priority in preventing joint discomfort. There are several simple habits which should be developed as soon as possible. These will help to avoid visits to doctors altogether or delay those visits as long as possible.

Manage Your Weight

Unfortunately, extra weight is one of the most widespread and important aspects that influence the state of your joints. Surprisingly, it is the visceral fat that has the most dangerous impact. The larger is the size of your waist, the higher is the risk for your joints.

The impact on the bearing surface of joints increases proportionally to weight increase. Here is a simple calculation. For a person having 70 kg body weight, the load per 1 cm2  of his or her meniscus would not exceed 4.5 kg. Meanwhile, with a body weight of 100 kg, the pressure is increased by 7 kg/cm2, with a weight of 100 kg — by 8 kg/cm2. Of course, as we get older, many of us gain extra weight just because of decreased metabolism, and we do not suggest you go on a diet. Meanwhile, you should remember that a safe increase in body weight is 5 kg in 10 years if you start counting from your weight when you was 30. In this way, your joints gradually adapt to the load and are not injured.

Drink More Water

The cartilage tissue is 80% water, and it is this tissue that allows cartilages to move, contract and expand, acting as shock absorbers for the joints. By drinking enough water, we support cartilages in normal state and prolong their lifetime.

Stay Active

Exercises that create moderate pressure on the joints, such as walking, cycling, workout with your own weight, swimming, and yoga, help maintain healthy body weight and simulate cartilaginous tissue creation. Moderate exercise makes the body develop an additional portion of cartilages, thereby protecting the joints.

Watch Your Diet

Exercise alone is not enough and should be accompanied by a proper diet. If you are not sure whether your diet includes all necessary nutrients in necessary quantities, you can support your joints’ mobility by intake of food supplements, which include necessary vitamins and minerals.

Which Joint Care Supplements Are Used In Various Countries?

In Japan, the world leader in the availability of food supplements in a daily diet, 98% of residents take food supplements. The US, where this figure reaches 70%, occupies the second place, while Europe takes third place with 38%. Meanwhile, the experts assume that by 2030, food supplements will be taken by more than 50% of Europeans.


This country is the leader in food supplement consumption in Europe. Italy demonstrates the highest growth in demand for food supplements based on natural components. One of the most popular joint care food supplements in this country is an extract from ginger, hot pepper containing capsaicin, turmeric, and the plant, known as the Cat’s Claw.

Great Britain

According to the data from 2019, the most popular food supplements among the UK residents were those based on Boswellia, a resin tree growing in South America and Asia. Boswellia extract can be taken alone and as a part of complex food supplements.


In France, people often purchase food supplements based on chondroitin, which affects phosphorus-calcium metabolism in cartilages. Chondroitin efficiency has not been proven, but this supplement is very popular, especially among older French people.


Here, people most often prefer glucosamine-based supplements. It is most often used by athletes for faster recovery of muscles and joints after intensive workouts.


In Germany, food supplements based on hyaluronic acid in liquid form are considered a universal means of self-care. Naturally, the substance present in your body doesn’t raise any concerns, so that the hyaluronic acid is applied both externally and internally.


In Vietnam and Thailand, avocado-based supplements for joints care are particularly popular. The avocado oil is applied in the areas of knees and elbows as well as swallowed in capsules. Interestingly, the avocado itself is not popular in these countries.

Despite a high likelihood of joint disorders for all of us, we could do something to maintain health, stick to healthy eating habits, keep healthy body weight, have an active lifestyle (choosing moderate physical exercise which doesn’t overload your joints) and maintain a balanced diet as nutrition remains the primary means for supporting bodily health.

What to learn more? Read here:

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