I wouldn’t want to be 20 years old again


How would you describe the benefits of your age?

The wisdom I’ve accumulated over the years. Everything I’ve been through and learned has shaped me and made me the person I am today. I have no regrets. I feel both physically and mentally stronger today than I did 20 years ago. Changing my lifestyle was the best decision I could have made. Every age has its charm, but I would not want to go back to being 20 today and face the problems that 20-year-olds face. Age brings a certain bliss.

What helps you to improve your mood? What makes you happy?

I am a positive person who tries to live by the philosophy that everything happens for a reason. The adversity I face is always something I need to learn to overcome. I see it as a challenge. It’s possible that I need to learn to be more patient. I may need to slow my life down, for example, because I’m going too hard. It might take a day or two, but then I don’t allow myself to be depressed, knowing it’s not going to steal my energy anymore. I know that it is the attitude towards life’s trials that determines whether I can feel good mentally and feel happy or not. It’s important for me to come to terms with adversity, work through it and act on it, and then let go and move on. Do not hide and believe that it will work out. I’m not the type of person who dwells for a long time. It may take a few days but then I will have processed it in my head and found a strategy to take me further.

What associations do you make when you hear the word “longevity” or rather to live a long life? Is this valuable to you?

If I can live a valuable life then I want to live a long life. I try to create the conditions that contribute to living a valuable life. I want to continue to learn something new and develop and feel good and maintain normal health so I can live to be 120!

Do you have plans for the next 10-20 years? What are they?

I really want to live consciously every single minute. Experience and learn new things. To challenge myself. Be active and seek new adventures, both big and small.

What can you afford today that you wished you could have had when you were younger?

I can afford to live a full life. I can afford to eat what I want, and to make good choices when it comes to what I shop for and not. I’m not rich but I have enough for what I need. I’d rather be rich in love than rich in money.

Do you feel involved in social life? Do you like attending concerts, meetings, or doing activities with other people?

Yes I do. Among other things, I like attending rock concerts, lectures, and even theater shows. And then there is dancing, of course, as I mentioned earlier. I miss it a lot right now. I keep in touch with my friends who have common interests. I went to both Säfsen and Idre this summer, where we ran, cycled, and hiked together. I rode Sörmlandsleden on an Icelandic horse and stayed overnight. I met the love of my life thanks to a mountain bike invitation at Kinnekulle and am now about to change both my job and living arrangement.

Do you like to travel far from home or do you prefer to stay in the region where you live?

At this time, I prefer to travel within Sweden, but have previously traveled a lot and experienced and seen other interesting places in the world. However, do not go on annual beach holidays. Have been to Mauritius, which quickly became a favorite country of mine, where I have been going twice every three years. I could imagine going to Iceland and or Scotland in the future, where I have never been.

Do you like being among friends in a large group or being more with your family?

I like both. I enjoy meeting with friends but not for big parties; those aren’t my thing. Then I prefer to be with my closest friends and family.

How much time do you spend on the Internet and social networks?

It differs, but I like to follow what’s happening with my friends on Facebook. I use Messenger to communicate with the friends I need to keep in touch with. I do not have Instagram at all. TV is not my thing, I would rather choose something interesting on Youtube, SVT or a movie on Netflix that I really want to watch.

Can you say that you are happy with the lifestyle you have today?

Yes, I’m very happy with it. I have many interests, I like to be social and meet people, to see new places and experience nature.

Are you trying to learn something new, like a new language, a new technology, a new sport?

Yes, I’m open to learning new things. I like a challenge. When it comes to leisure, mountain biking is the latest. I will also give golf a try in the spring. Professionally, I am in the process of possibly expanding with the E-card for trucks, as I have the C-card already. I drive a van and motorcycle today. I have just taken a driver’s certificate to drive special vehicles, as I also have a taxi ID. I am curious about new things and like to learn things I do not know before, or develop in areas where I already have some knowledge.

Which food do you prefer, ordinary, traditional or more exotic? Do you cook, use traditional recipes, or try to experiment?

I experiment in the kitchen, and I use as many pure raw ingredients as possible. I eat more protein than carbohydrates. When I do eat carbs, I try to eat slow carbs instead of a lot of fast ones. I stick mostly to regular traditional food.

Do you think you are eating a balanced diet? What do you do to balance your diet?

I do, and I am very aware of how and when I should eat good food, good ingredients, good fats. I even teach others how they can live to feel better and become more balanced individuals.

Do you think you get enough nutrients from food?

I don’t think so. Because today they grow on soils that have been grown on over and over again, which has made them mineral-poor. And they grow vegetables and things a little too fast so they do not have time to get the nutrition they had 20 years ago. It is also sprayed a lot, which puts a negative strain on our organs.

What do you think you can do more of to improve your life?

Continue to be active but, above all, I think eating well is very important. Eat as clean a diet with as little processed food as possible. It is always possible to get better at eating locally grown foods and cooking as much food from scratch as possible, and avoid semi-finished products.

What would you say if you could send a letter to yourself 20 years ago?

I would probably say “don’t waste energy on unnecessary things. Live here and now and make conscious choices. You always have a choice. You always have a choice in the attitude you bring to everything you encounter in life.”

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