We want a baby! How to Prepare for Pregnancy and When to Start


Today the most popular age to have a baby in Europe is 32 years. And the doctors say that it’s great as mothers in this age are more emotionally and psychologically stable. Still, because of poor ecology, lower quality of foods and more stress, most future mothers need some preparation of their bodies for pregnancy to avoid complications.

Nowadays, you can hear the term “periconceptional care” ever more often. This complex phrase means a number of manipulations aimed to identify abnormalities in the health of both partners. In other words, periconceptional care is a type of special inpatient treatment that both partners should have. Here is what it includes:

  • diagnostics and medical treatment of diseases and infections in both partners,
  • maintaining and stabilizing physical state in case of chronic illnesses,
  • control of future mother’s hormonal system,
  • consulting a genetics doctor in case of hereditary disorders.

In addition to general recommendations, there are certain particular aspects for preparing future moms and dads.

Planning for Pregnancy for Women

First of all, you should go to see a gynecologist. He or she will make the tests, helping to exclude sexual disorders and will assess the state of the cervix. They will most likely offer you to have a colposcopy, fungal flora and smear test as well as pelvic ultrasound examination.

It is absolutely vital to have a TORCH test. TORCH is an abbreviation that uses the first Latin letter of each of four words naming the most widespread congenital infections which are the most dangerous for the child and can lead to a miscarriage or a deficiency of child development.

  • Toxoplasma gondii,
  • General infections: Сhlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma spp, Micoplasma hominis, Micoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Human papillomavirus,
  • Rubella,
  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV),
  • Herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Teeth should be paid special attention! During pregnancy, the baby will take calcium from the mother’s body. Therefore, it is vital to have teeth in order and visit the dentist regularly during the whole period of child-bearing.

The ophthalmologist is the next important doctor to visit. You should ask him if you can have a vaginal birth, especially if you don’t have an ideal eye-sight. Physical strain during child-birth can be dangerous!

Also, the doctor can prescribe a woman an intake of certain medications to prepare for pregnancy.

Folic Acid

This is the most critical substance which should be taken not only during pregnancy, but right after you start planning it. Folic acid stimulates blood formation, improves fat metabolism, stimulates brain activity, increases productivity at work, and improves memory.

Potassium Iodide

Medications containing iodide are the main component of the thyroid hormones. You can get this vitamin from foods such as walnuts, sea cabbage and fish, date plum, figs. Or you can buy the medicine in pills. But you should take it only by prescription and strictly in the recommended dosage!

B-Group Vitamins

These affect the hormonal balance and our body’s immune system.

Planning for Pregnancy for Men

Ideally, you should have a full medical test, including the hormonal examination, genitourinary system test, spermogram, and prostate examination.

In any case, a man should:

  • give up alcohol and tobacco,
  • avoid heavy physical strain,
  • avoid heat treatments such as steam sauna, traditional sauna, or hot shower
  • avoid works involving chemicals,
  • go on a balanced diet,
  • lose extra weight if considerably overweight.

Which Diet You Should Take

If you were on a restricted diet (except when recommended by your doctor), now you should have a full nutrition diet as your body shall have enough minerals and vitamins to let it rehabilitate and accumulate energy before the coming events. Here are the products you should take daily.


It contains Vitamins A, C, E, and K, useful fats and mannoheptulose carbohydrate (sugar which inhibits the production of insulin and improves absorption of calcium). Avocado contains more potassium than bananas, while potassium is responsible for muscle durability, stabilizes the functioning of nervous and cardiovascular systems, and promotes cell metabolism.


It doesn’t matter whether you prefer white cabbage, Brussels cabbage or broccoli. Each of them contains 16 amino acids (including tryptophan, lysine, methionine, tyrosine, histamine and others). Cabbage is rich in Vitamins A, B1, B6, C (ascorbic acid), P, K, Vitamin U, salts of potassium and phosphorus, as well as cobalt, copper, zinc, and magnesium,


It includes lots of antioxidants, including quercetin, which is good for cardiovascular health.


Thanks to their containing lycopene, tomatoes are great for cellular membranes. Besides, lycopene positively impacts the level of blood sugar.

Fatty Fish

Due to including polyunsaturated fatty acids, fatty fish can help normal functioning of the immune system, improves the level of cholesterol and helps to maintain normal blood pressure. Meanwhile, it is important to control the quality of fish since many species accumulate heavy metals and, particularly, mercury, as a consequence of water contamination. Therefore, most experts suggest taking cod liver oil as an Omega-3 food supplement. It is essential to understand that preparing for conception will take much longer than one week or even one month. In general, doctors recommend starting preparation 6 months in advance of the planned conception date. This period should be enough to visit all doctors, pass tests and improve your overall health.

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